Wednesday, July 27, 2005

We have a sign!

We have a sign!
Originally uploaded by ojcit.
Isn't that special?


Originally uploaded by ojcit.
Well isn't this clever? Now I can blog from my phlog on flickr without even bothering with the Blogger logger.

Yet Another Use of Quantum Mechanics in Packing

Just to show off my mad Excel skills, I'm posting a static-html version of the pivot table I used to keep up with my packages. [Note: this was A Bad Idea, as the spreadsheet not only doesn't show up in Firefox, it doesn't get along with Blogger either. I gave up on it.] It looks like I have too much stuff coming, seeing as how the room is already full and none of the nine boxes has arrived yet. I know I've been spoiled living with unlimited space at G-diddy's, but if there's one thing I learned at Tech, it's how to fit way too much stuff into way too little space.

If there're two things I learned at Tech, the second one is how to fit way too many activities into way too little time.

And if there are three things I learned at Tech, the third one is that space and time are inextricably intertwined in the first place.

They ain't kiddin' about that mile-high business.

Here I am in sunny, pointy Colorado. It's everything you could ever want in a place to live, except of course for an oxygen-rich atmosphere. I have to take a nap every thirty minutes or so, and can't carry a letter to the mailbox without panting. That's gonna be an adjustment, I think.

I'm told that my packages (the first batch of them at least) are now safely in my office. I take this to mean that I now have an office. So that's one less thing to worry about. An office is a good sign; I've always had less work to do when I had one of those, and most people I know with offices seem to have a better time at work than those without them.

Lest you cube-dwellers should wax envious of the space, I'm going to post some pictures of my new domicile. It turns out that the room I rented has less space than my Accord. Basically all the stuff that came out of my car has rendered the floor more of an ideal than an integral part of the room. I'm about to go take pictures of everything, since I didn't have much light to work with yesterday. There's rain and stuff here, which is less than ideal, as far as I can tell.

Anyway, I'm living with a personal trainer and a window and siding guy, who both seem pretty cool so far. They're both older than I am, so they shouldn't get me into too much trouble. Unfortunately the Frietnamese lady didn't work out; we had irreconcilable differences in our concepts of square footage. But she's still awesome.

I would've gotten my Colorado driver license today, but I'm out of the kind of money they take. I've got little short-term liquidity, but slightly more plasticity to my name. The generous folks at Visa were kind enough to increase my spending limit fivefold, but something tells me that might have been a mixed blessing.

More stuff is forthcoming; I'm gonna run take pictures now.