Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Who says laziness isn't an art form?

You know you're pretty useless when you're too lazy to register for Unemployment Compensation. I like to think I'm gonna be working this time next week, but it doesn't look that way.

It looks like it's Tuesday now, which is a day earlier than I expected it. When I get around to it I'll dump the contents of what was gonna be my website on here and check that off my life's to-do list.

The list is kinda getting tough to manage, as it has as many branches as items. Maybe I'll do something like buddy zoo and have it in a web or something...that would be spiffy. (I'm ready to stop being a theoretical dork and get some application in).

Anyway, I saw a good article this morning, although of course they left out the pictures. Somebody in my home state has made a wood-burning pickup truck. Now I have to think of another word for "spiffy," since I've already used it in this post. Neato.

I might make pancakes for lunch. That would rule.

Still no comments...my readership must be shy. Don't worry, I don't bite.

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