Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Apparently I'm not qualified

for Unemployment Compensation. First I didn't find the place in the 7 days they gave me from the time I called the people (b/c the state and local systems don't communicate unless it's in their favor, not mine). If they'd had an online app, it would've saved me hours, but as it was I had to wait on the dude to type my crap in at like 10 words a minute.

Made it to the gym, but didn't last long. The warm-up about killed me. My barber the Colonel's son wants me to be an officer in the Air Force (it's just like being a "civillian in a blue suit"), but you have to run a mile and a half (not to mention being at the mercy of the current c-in-c). Combine that with a 4-year commitment to make 75% of what a comparable civillian position makes, and I think I'll pass over (or under) the wild blue yonder. What's the point if you're too blind to fly anyway? I would look sexy in a blue suit though.

I applied to BP, Apple, Pixar, Cisco, Comcast, and Charter today, among others. I'm just going down the list of Wired's 40 Companies to Watch and using the classifieds in the paper. Naturally, I've had to re-enter the same information close to 200 times by now in slightly different formats for all the different job sites. This is supposed to be the information age; pick a standard and run with it, for the love of Pete.

Since they never read cover letters, and I figure somebody should read this one I did at 3 this morning for Apple:

I wish to obtain a job with an industry-leading or up-and-coming high technology company whose mission I appreciate and whose products I respect. Apple's history in the marketplace at times reads like a romantic novel, and, while I understand the importance it places on gorgeous hardware and smart marketing, I also realize that the secret to its success has always been intuitive, user-centric software. In this area I know I would be an asset to the company creatively and technically. While my credentials may lean toward mechanical engineering and mathematics, don't let that fool you. I've used computers religiously and relentlessly, and can tell which systems were developed to make the users' lives easier and which were made with the programmers' convenience paramount. I know, as Apple obviously understands, that the next era in the information age will come about by refining powerful but awkward technologies into ubiquitous smart tools (and toys) that learn the user's habits instead of the other way around. In the words of Arthur C. Clarke, you know your product has hit home when it becomes "indistinguishable from magic."
If you haven't noticed, I tend to alternate between naive optimism and complete misanthropy.

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