Tuesday, May 24, 2005

This is the dullest sharpening gig ever.

I got in trouble again, this time because the percentage of my net sales from replacement/service guarantees wasn't above 4%. That means that, while I was selling enough, we weren't making enough profit (a.k.a. free money) from the guarantees. The only punishment was to make me watch the RSG DVD again. Apparently I just didn't understand the concept. All you have to do is sell the product by overstating its virtues, and then sell the replacement guarantee by underestimating its quality. It's sleazy, is what it is.

I put my foot in my mouth pretty good. I asked a customer (who was about my age) if she had anything picked out for father's day, and it turns out her dad had died in the last two weeks. That's really sad.

Other than that, work was all right, as my manager wasn't there, but I'm going back in at 9 in the morning. Somehow I'm working full time hours for part time wages and non-benefits.

I'm pretty much officially approaching broke now. I lost money taking this job, because now I'm ineligible for unemployment (of course, i'd be ineligible if I'd turned it down too...). I guess it'll all work out in the end, as the dollar isn't going to be worth a yen in ten years anyway.

I should really look into increasing my dosage. Life still won't be enjoyable per se, but I won't notice.

I did get called by another headhunter today. So now I'm working with like 4 different agencies, not including places I'm directly applying to. I should really pull an all nighter and apply to another fifty or so places, as I might just be getting the knack for it.

I think I'll give my two week notice tomorrow. Depending on how my boss's day off went today, I may not have to. The team is back up to a full roster now, so my absence won't be unbearable as soon as the newest three associates complete their training.

Nobody comments on any of these posts anymore. I might have to stage a one-man writer's strike. You wouldn't want that. Just throw me an emoticon or something; I'm dying here.


Anonymous said...

Aw geez, work sucks doesn't it? I've been there. I went back to the thrift store today and got us the rickety tripod they had left (they have a high turnover, their good tripod had sold that same morning). It looks like it was made to hold a projector screen so there's just a knob at the top. We'll have to improvise a holder for the camera. Anyway let's do a photo shoot!

Anonymous said...

I looked at that emoticons page and I was surprised that it didn't have anime emoticons.

^_^ smiling

^_~ winking

=^_^= blushing

^_______^ big smile

*_* starry-eyed

>_< angry/frustrated

/;_;\ crying

T_T crying

O_o surprised/confused i.e. "What the hell?"

-_-;; sighing (with sweat drops)

/ /
( )* a bunny!
"" ""

Anonymous said...

Hang in there, buddy. I just came across your comments in a Google search for "chug sandestin", oddly enough, because I researching a favorite old fantasy writer.

I'm 42, I've been where you are, and, trust me, you'll get through it. Follow opportunity when it knocks with something that please you -- and don't be afraid to try new things, even a new home. A year as an exchange student in my late 30s shook me up in a good way and taught me I could not only be self-reliant, but happy, doing things I had not dreamed of, nor studied, in school. I studied to become a teacher, then a poet, but I became a multimedia developer instead. Life's a river.... you follow it where it leads you, and you decide where to stop now & then, but there's only one way to travel when it's time to go: with the stream.