Sunday, July 17, 2005

Hydrocode Analysis

If you're confused by the title, join the club. I've officially landed a position as a hydrocode analyst at ITT Industries Advanced Industries and Sciences in Colorado Springs, Co. The only trouble is, I have no idea what a hydrocode might be or how to analyze one.

It's been a big weekend, but most of it was devoted to reading Harry Potter. I won't spoil it, but I'm going to have to hurt these people who keep putting it off. Kind of hypocritical on my part, since i didn't read any of them until 2003.

Bleh, I have pictures, but still no internet connection at home. I've set up a temporary headquarters at my sister's place, but I expect to be kicked out any minute now.

Not much to say really, until I get the pictures from the beach and the Harry Potter party. Most of the costumes were underwhelming, although it was funny to see a 35-year-old man come dressed up as a wizard with a seven-year-old kid who wasn't. I'll write more when I get my Zoloft refilled. I've been having a headache since I ran out, and it's contagious, from what I can tell. Better quit while I'm still ahead, I guess.

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