Saturday, July 30, 2005

Happy Belated 100th Post

So this is post number 102 for my humble blog. During that time, my readership has grown by leaps and bounds, or maybe just hops and skips and jumps, or maybe not at all. There's nowhere to go but up.

My major accomplishment for this week was getting all of my packages to my new place unscathed. Plus, I've elevated the TV to a good foot off the ground with a very professional-looking TV stand. Not that exciting.

What else...I sang karaoke the other day, but that was hopefully pretty forgettable. Just good enough not to be so bad I was good, ya know?

I got to see where I'll be working, or at least where I'll be while I'm getting paid. It turns out that I'm getting my own office, with my own name on my own door, and my own brand-new PC. Of course, the computer in my office won't be secure enough for actual work; we've got a stand-alone network behind locked doors for that. Basically, your office is where you go to avoid doing work; all the really productive stuff happens in the lab, which I'll share with two doctors.

The code I'll be working with is 30 years old, but still export controlled. I wonder how much farther it would have gotten if it were open, but then you've got to take into account getting bombed into the stone age if Charlie gets his hands on it.

So now my physical self is here, but there's still the small matter of sending out change of address notices to everyone I've corresponded with over the last year. I'll refrain from putting my address here, but just shoot me an email if you want to know it.

I'll be putting more pictures up on my flickr account. I won't annotate all of them here, because that would be double-blogging.